Overview: Degree Programme

In the winter semester 2015/2016, the first and so far only bachelor's degree program on German and Italian law was successfully launched. In spring 2015, the program was approved by the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Science. 15 students from the Università degli Studi di Firenze and 15 students admitted to the University of Cologne form the classes. They complete the first four semesters in Florence (information on the program from the partner university), followed by four semesters in Cologne.
The students are trained in two legal systems and are thus intensively prepared for a cross-border professional activity. German as well as Italian companies and law firms appreciate the competitive advantage of being able to negotiate with their respective partners in their national language - especially when mediating in difficult legal or economic situations. Graduates will be particularly qualified by their knowledge of two legal systems, cultures and languages. Germany and Italy are important trading partners and, as two of the four largest member states of the EU, also work together in close partnership at the European level.
Students will graduate with a Bachelor of Laws degree as a joint degree from the University of Cologne and the Università degli Studi di Firenze after four years. During the studies in Florence, the participants will attend courses of the basic studies on civil law, criminal law and public law. The studies in Cologne build on the legal knowledge acquired in Florence. In addition to German civil, criminal and public law, which is often oriented towards EU law, further courses with an international focus are offered.
Studienmodule und -verlaufsplan
Der Studienverlauf in Köln und Florenz bietet verschiedene Möglichkeiten zur eigenständigen Gestaltung. Nachstehend finden Sie daher zur Orientierung dienende, nicht aber zwingende Musterstudienpläne sowie ferner eine Aufstellung aller zu absolvierenden Module (z.B. Vorlesungen oder Arbeitsgemeinschaften):

Target Group
The program aims to give high school graduates with very good Italian language skills in Germany and graduates of German-speaking schools in Italy the opportunity to become acquainted with both legal systems and to acquire the relevant degrees they need for a successful legal career as a lawyer, prosecutor, judge or corporate lawyer.
It is aimed primarily at students who already have excellent German and Italian language skills at the beginning of their studies.
Training in both national legal systems and European law is the main focus of the course. Different methods of law application techniques are acquired. The understanding of different legal cultures is encouraged. This increases the possibilities of cross-border professional employment. Thus, the goal of the first four-year bi-national German-Italian bachelor's degree program in law is to qualify participants for legal work not only specifically in legal relations between Germany and Italy, but generally in international legal transactions.
For the first two years of study in Florence, applicants admitted through the University of Cologne can receive a scholarship to cover living costs. Funding is available through the DAAD as well as through the mobility assistance of the ERASMUS programme.