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Course of the programme, examination regulations and modules

Course of the programme

The programme begins in the winter semester with a one-semester stay at the University of Cologne. The focus here is on German, European and international business law. In the second semester, the programme continues in Istanbul. Courses on Turkish and international business law are central to this.

The programme enables students to specialise in the leading areas of business law, all of which are also related to EU law:

    1. corporate law

    2. capital market and consumer protection

    3. competition and protection of intellectual property

    4. international business law

The specialisation is rounded off by the compulsory modules "Economics" and "Methods and Techniques". In addition, the internship and the Master's thesis ensure intensive practical relevance.

A total of 60 credits must be earned in two semesters. These are acquired in the various modules according to the specifications of the examination regulations and module overview. The credits to be earned are distributed among the modules as follows:


Mandatory module P1: "Business Law, Capital Market and Consumer Protection, Competition and Intellectual Property Protection or International Business Law".

8 credits each in Cologne and Istanbul (16 credits in total)

Mandatory module P5: Master's thesis

(max. 60,000 characters within an editing period of 4 months)

18 credits


Mandatory module P2: "Economics (Cologne/Istanbul)"

3 credits each in Cologne and Istanbul (6 credits in total)


Mandatory module P3: "Methods and Techniques (Cologne)"

5 credits


Mandatory module P4: "Internship" (8 weeks during the lecture-free period)

9 credits


Elective supplementary module Cologne

3 credits


Elective supplementary module Istanbul

3 credits

  Total: 60 Credits

1. Schwerpunkt: Unternehmensrecht

2. Schwerpunkt: Kapitalmarkt und Verbraucherschutz

3. Schwerpunkt: Wettbewerb und Immaterialgüterschutz

4. Schwerpunkt: Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht

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